The assignment was to fabricate something for Nike 6.0 that they could take across the country as part of Mountain Dew’s Action Sports Tour. It was called the “Holy Crap!” project because the assignment was to build something that would elicit this exact response. We had three weeks to go from concept sketches (pictured below) to finished piece. We chose to build the ultimate action sports vehicle. The vehicle features include a skate ramp, wakeboard tower, surf racks, skateboard rails, BMX racks, BBQ, sleep-in camper shell, built-in CD player, radio and remote control iPod player all encased in a waterproof box, flood lights and a custom Nike 6.0 branded paint job. In fact, there were so many unique features that Nike asked us to create a users manual after the first stop of the tour. We knew people would love this vehicle but, fortunately/unfortunately, they loved it so much that Nike ended up having to rope the vehicle off because they could not safely control the crowds.